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Formularios electrónicos en línea


The Stanislaus Superior Court offers electronic filing of your documents. You can begin your case and file your documents from the comfort of your home.

To begin the process, select an authorized e-filing provider from the e-filing portal.

Once you select a provider, you will create an account and follow their instructions on how to upload your documents. You will upload your documents through the provider’s site and complete the requested information. The provider will then submit your documents to the Court for filing.

Please note the provider may charge a fee for their service and you will be responsible for any Court filing fees or other fees associated with your filing. If you file your documents with a Fee Waiver, or have a previously granted Fee Waiver in your case, then you will not be charged a fee to file your documents.

If there are any issues with your filing or it is rejected for any reason, the provider will notify you. Once your documents are filed, the provider will notify you and provide you with copies of your filed documents.

E-Filing Portal

General User Information

  1. If a case type or filing code is not visible, please reach out to your eFiling Service Provider (EFSP) to confirm that the vendor has the most current data.
  2. Please add party names in ALL CAPS.
  3. Please do not add any document descriptions.
  4. Please do not add "dba" to party names.  The clerk will add the dba to the case management system.
  5. If cases are consolidated, you must E-file into the lead (primary) case number.
  6. When submitting first paper fees for multiple parties in non-Civil cases, each party must have their document submitted in a separate envelope.  In Civil matters, multiple first paper/complex fees can be submitted in the same envelope, provided the related parties are clearly identified.
  7. Each document needs to be submitted as a separate lead document.  Please do not add any documents as attachments.
  8. As of 7/23/2020, the court is informed that the only EFSP available for Criminal filings is Odyssey eFileCA.

  • Extracto de fallo o extracto.
  • Registros administrativos u otros documentos presentados.
  • Documentos/presentaciones de apelaciones.
  • Orden de arresto de banca.
  • Certificado de hechos.
  • Solicitudes de copia o búsqueda, incluidas búsquedas patrimoniales.
  • Escritos para juicio preliminar civil.
  • Procesos coordinados o presentaciones en casos coordinados.
  • Portada/Declaración sobre dificultades financieras relacionadas con el COVID-19.
  • Testamentos originales.
  • Comunicación ex parte.
  • Ejemplificación (Certificado de autenticidad).
  • Anexos de prueba.
  • La notificación de honorarios de jurado no se puede presentar de conformidad con la Regla de la corte de California 3.250.
  • Los honorarios del jurado se encuentran en Servicios opcionales y solo se aceptan si se envían junto con la presentación de un documento.
  • Mandatos.
  • Estipulación y orden para ADR (STAN-100).

  • Peticiones sobre violencia en el hogar
  • Peticiones sobre maltrato de ancianos/adultos dependientes
  • Solicitud de órdenes con órdenes temporales o solicitudes de acortamiento de tiempo de órdenes (derecho de familia)
  • Solicitud de aplazamiento de audiencias y órdenes propuestas relacionadas (FL-306, FL-307, DV-115 y DV-116)
  • Orden de presentar motivos justificativos sobre desacato

  • Adoption Documents/Paperwork
  • Guardianship Documents/Paperwork
  • Notice of Intent to File Writ Petition
  • Notice of Appeal
  • JV-570 Petition for Access to Juvenile Case File

  • Citations to be issued
  • Original Wills