Jury Service
Text Feature
Text your nine-digit juror number to (209)340-6832 to access your juror information.
You should not report for jury service if you have experienced any of the following symptoms in the past 24 hours prior to your summons date: fever or feeling feverish, chills, cough, shortness of breath, chest discomfort, difficult breathing, wheezing, weakness, fatigue, muscle or body aches, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion, runny nose, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.
Please contact the Jury Commissioner’s office using the following methods: visit https://jury.stanct.org/login, email jury_staff@stanct.org or call (209)548-6280. You may also text your nine-digit juror number to (209)340-6832 to get information.
If you are feeling jury service stress, there's resources available to provide relief, support and self help. Please see Jury Service Stress Brochure for more information.
Many states, including California, have issued public warnings about calls, texts and emails from people claiming to be court officials or law enforcement officers.
Do not provide any information having to do with your bank or credit card to anyone claiming to be an officer of the court or law enforcement for missing jury duty. If you missed jury duty, you should not be paying a fine to an officer of the court or law enforcement using Venmo, Zelle, Paypal or any other type of payment App.
If you receive communication from someone requesting your personal information, please contact the fraud unit of your local law enforcement agency immediately and notify the Office of the Jury Commissioner.
Jurors can choose to receive their juror per diem payment via Zelle by signing up with a jury clerk. See this flyer for more information.