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Text Notifications

Text Notification Service Now Available

Stanislaus County Superior Court is now offering a convenient text notification service to parties in certain case types (excluding juvenile).

Parties who sign up will receive text notifications of newly scheduled, rescheduled or canceled hearings in designated case types, as well as traffic payment plan reminders.

To sign up for this service, please complete the form below.     

Once you sign up, the service will send you an initial text message asking if you want to opt in to text notifications.  You must reply “YES” to this initial text message or the service will not be able to send you additional messages.

The service will only provide text notifications for Stanislaus County Superior Court cases. It is a party based system; therefore, by opting in, you will receive designated messages for all Stanislaus County Superior Court cases.

The service will notify you of designated events up to four (4) days in advance.

Please note that text message hearing notifications are provided for your convenience only. It remains your responsibility to ensure that you are aware of your court dates and attend court at the scheduled date and time. Stanislaus County Superior Court is not responsible for any technical problems the service may encounter. You may be subject to default or other consequences if you do not attend a scheduled court appearance, regardless of whether you receive a text message reminding you of either your hearing or payment due date. 

If you sign up for notifications, you will need to tell the court if your mobile phone number changes. Additionally, you should be aware that your mobile phone number may become publicly available as part of the case record. You can access most case record information at no cost using the Case Index Lookup.

You may opt out of the service at any time by responding “NO” to any text message notification. 

Message and data rates may apply to parties who sign up for this service.  

Stanislaus County Superior Court is not responsible for lost or misdirected text notifications.

Please enter your case number as it appears on your court documents. Case Numbers must include all numbers, letters and other characters such as a dash(-). Please do not include spaces between characters. Leading zeros must be included. *Ex TR-21-000000"


Please enter the cell phone number including the area code. Enter the numbers only. "Ex: 2095303100"

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