Leadership Academy
Leadership Academy
Leadership Academy is an innovative program designed to develop the leadership potential of high school juniors and seniors in Stanislaus County.
The program brings youth, public and private organizations together to discuss and explore leadership in unique and innovative ways. Participants interact with their peers and community leaders during full-day sessions to learn firsthand about emerging community issues and increase their awareness of local career opportunities so that they return to Stanislaus County for work after attending a secondary school or training program.”
High school students who will be juniors or seniors for the upcoming school year are invited to apply and interview to be a part of the program. The participants selected will be a diverse group of students with a 2.0 G.P.A. or higher who have demonstrated a potential for leadership and a desire to help their community. Leadership Academy's goal is to recruit a diverse group of students from different backgrounds and leadership levels, representing a wide range of public and private schools across the county.
The commitment of the students selected is to participate in one Leadership Academy class each month, which takes place on a designated Friday.
For more information, contact Dallas Plaa (dplaa@stancoe.org) and Ricky Bispo (rbispo@stancoe.org).