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Final Reports July 2015 - June 2016

The Stanislaus County Civil Grand Jury conducted investigations of the agencies listed below and released their findings, conclusions and recommendations in a single report for each investigation. Each individual report is labeled as Part One, Part Two, etc., as each is a single part of the FINAL REPORT.

The complete set of all the individual reports compiled in a given "Grand Jury Year" constitutes the FINAL REPORT of the Civil Grand Jury.

Agencies that are the subjects of a Civil Grand Jury report may be directed to provide a written response. When received, Agency Responses will be available below. If an Agency Response is too large for listing on this website, it will be available for public review at the Civil Grand Jury Office (at 1021 I Street, Third Floor, Modesto, CA).

All reports and responses are done in PDF format.

2015-2016 FINAL REPORTS:

2015-2016 Final Report

Part II County Annual Financial Audit Report

16-06C & 16-11C Del Puerto Healthcare District

16-13GJ Detention Facilities Inspection

16-15GJ Stanislaus County Building Study

16-18GJ Evaluation of County Election Practices

16-27GJ Detention Facilities Inspection